The current mood of at My Life Now

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Have I just plain gone off my gourd ?

So, I have been whining about how Christmas tunes are still too hard on me.
I mean , when tears come to 1984's "Band-Aid" and George Michael's "Last Christmas"...

Well today: I purposefully put some on....

As I put the dishes away ,I conducted an imaginary orchestra with

spatulas, singing along horribly off key -drawing concerned queries from my Mother and daughter...
I felt ok for a few minutes.

Childhood Christmas times began to unfold.

Then like a sharp jab with a giant candy cane : the floodgates opened and the other memories came rushing in.

I stood there in tears after my triumphant orchestral debut.

All this emotional commotion happened during a 3 minute timespan while listening to :

"Deck the Halls".


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