The current mood of at My Life Now

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Last night I went to bed and felt some intense anger towards what happened to my Tom .

Something else had happened earlier in the day, and the floodgates just opened.

I don't like anger much , and usually try to channel it into something more useful somewhere else in my life .

I generally find anger to be more destructive than constructive.

I think though - that this release last night has helped me to get in touch with that deeply hidden undercover angry ,hurt Me.

The one who screams " Why does this murdering bastard get to live a quasi normal life , and I don't ?".

What gave him the right to kill Tom ?

And why is he still free ?

I fumed, and sobbed .

Gave myself the permission to feel red-hot anger and a smattering of hatred .

I need to de -pressurize myself.

I am too pent-up.

I am also very afraid alot .

The panic attacks are stifling me.

I am not about to let myself get eaten alive by fear.

No way, no how.

I am so busy trying to keep it together .

I have survived 2 years of this strange life , I can and will live fully .

In this battle for my life, I will emerge victorious .

Beaten down a hair, but not down for the count.


Anger Acknowledgement Breakthrough 0 What Do You Think ? I'm Interested To Know...

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