The current mood of at My Life Now

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Going to Germany in 2 Weeks

I am not so sad I can't function, not so distressed as to want to die ( never have been), but I am still not normal by any stretch of the imagination.

I am getting these small infrequent panic attacks recently in relation to the upcoming trip to Germany.

I obsess about the stupidest things.

But the root of these fears begin at

the last time I was set to go there July 2002 - my world fell apart before my eyes.

The man was late because he was dead on his office floor with 3 stab wounds.

As he lay dying , I was happily living my daily life , looking forward to what was ahead and wondering why he was so d@mn late.

I forgave myself for that .

I realize the big fear factor residue Tom's murder has left behind.

I have finally stabilized and have been in one location for almost a year now.

I am exploring different facets of myself and expanding my horizons , meeting new people, expressing myself artistically in various ways , getting regular exercise and massages.

I am not standing still.

I am not pushing this all aside .

I know he isn't coming back anymore.

I know this all too well.

And his case is still unsolved.

That's another kettle of fish all together.

I am surviving .

I am proud of that fact.

I have family around me ( that's a 50/50 proposition in itself) and that is mostly positive.

Daughter is the most helpful.

Mother understands more ( or seems to), Dad is more DGIsh than I ever realized.

I am spending some of my time educating him...

But at the same time I have never felt so messed up inside.

I have no energy left from mourning him,attempting to heal myself , and living with this awful drama my life

became -to swear vengeance on the miscreant that did this injustice to Tom.

I am trying ferverently to store my reserves towards positive means.

Trying to find a positive meaning to my life ,

after this horrible loss.

Attempting to figure out how or if my life can be whole again.

I am trying to give myself permission to live .


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