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Just When I Think I Am Getting Through This

This is the coffee shop/hotel Tom and I had our first date on October 4, 1981.

I saw this tonight as my family and I are heading off to Germany this summer, and want to make reservations in Garmisch-Partenkirchen for a few days during the trip.

Here is the hotel next to the lake that froze over that winter and we walked across it.

This is the hotel we saw whenever we left Garmisch to go to Munich , Bad Toelz or Tegernsee and came back into town .

It was such an idyllic and beautiful place to fall in love and start a family.

This town -it's a part of my soul .

I haven't been back since 2000.

It will be so hard to see it without him and remember our begginings .

We were on our way back to Germany when he was killed.

We had plans to actually stay at the Clausing's Posthotel Hotel for our 20th anniversary.

That would have been Sept. 24, 2002 .

Instead, he had been murdered 2 months previous, and I was on a plane to Houston the next day.

It's just so sad, we all lost so much.

Yes, I carry him in my heart always - but it simply does not replace his absent physical presence in my life.


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