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Tar-jay Outing

Went out for deckbox and other stuff with neighbor yesterday - didn't take my key.

Bad idea.

So when we get home ...we had to ring the doorbell 50 times, called twice on the phone and still no daughter.

Well I panicked so hard.

Heart beating, getting dizzy - the whole 9 yards.

She finally answered grumpily.

She was taking a nap-she's a heavy sleeper -and her room is tucked away in the back of the house.

Guys , I nearly needed to be taken to the ER.

See- I think I am fine most of the time , then I crack.

Sometimes the littlest thing will unhinge me.

Didn't embarrass myself too badly in front of the neighbors.

They know what happened to Tom.

They were trying to keep it light.

Intellectually I knew she was most likely just napping- but emotionally I saw something else in my mind's eye.

I wanted to kiss her, smack her and kick myself !

She apologized .

Give me back those 5 lost minutes of sheer terror please !


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