The current mood of at My Life Now

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Have No Idea What I Want To DO With This Life...

I thought I knew what was coming 21 months ago.

Then my actual future came into sharp and painful focus.

Now I am intent on surviving , but am stumbling and fumbling around trying to thrive.

At first I thought I am suviving one of the worst things that can happen and was almost fearless- then the doubts and insecurities showed up again.

The what if something happens to so-and -so , what if I lead a miserable life until I die ( next new worry what if I die later today or even tommorrow...), what have I accomplished and so forth.

I want to grab life by the horns.

I yearn to do so , but I am still being held myself.

I have been making mini-goals.

I have been accomplishing some of them.

No long-term things yet though.

I am still trying to heal my battered spirit.

However, I don't want to become so mired in the healing process that I miss out out on the life around me.


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