The current mood of at My Life Now

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Tears for loss, family and this ever changing life

My 66 year old mother left 30 minutes ago for her 18 hour trip back to Germany.

You'd think I'd be use to "goodbye"-being a military brat and then traveling with my hubby for another 20 years.

So many goodbye's with family members and places that over the decades became permanent farewells.

The last time my nuclear family sat down together for a meal in Frederick, MD was June 1, 2002 -

my Mom, Dad ,myself, Tom and our daughter.

6 weeks later , Tom was murdered.

Now every goodbye is still so poignant .

The look in my mother's eyes the twice a year when we say goodbye is so sad.

Life has always been this way, it's just the uncovered spotlight is so hot and white shows every detail, every nuance .

As Today was tomorrow just yesterday.

I guess the trick is learning to fold this all inside and taking nothing for granted.


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