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Inner Strength -My Fiber Within

Friday my helpful agent spoke with me at length again about Tom's case.

Without going into too many specifics- there is a piece or two missing in this puzzle to arrest the man who is the strongest suspect .Who still works there.

Uncle Sam pays him to work there.

The smoke and mirrors and subterfuge he pulled to get in and murder my husband means there was some planning involved.

My 6'2' 230 lb husband was so surprised- there was no struggle.

I am constantly amazed , befuddled and sit here in disbelief at how it's been this long and no one sits in jail.

Because they were smart enough to get away with murder -so far.

Dr Wayne Dyer's teachings are very helpful to me right now:

The use of mental imagery is one of the strongest and most effective strategies for making something happen for you.

You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

Develop an inner candle flame that won�t flicker even when the worst goes before you.

If I believe he is in custody- will it actually become a reality ?

~Inner strength is something I am learning to cultivate , because nothing else is left.~


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