The current mood of at so sweet , so unreal, or not ? My Life Now

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Romantic Movies...

I should stop watching romantic movies all together because...

too many love myths effen mess with your mind !

I always thought that if my husband died I would feel it inside me in all the movies I had ever seen in my entire female life.

Was this true for me ?

Another love concept shot to h-e-double hockeysticks.

The afternoon my husband was cold-bloodidly stabbed to death- as he fell unconcious and took his last breaths during his estimated time of death ( as written in death certifcate )I felt nothing , I had no idea he was dying..

My daughter and I were doing balance ball exercises

the electricity flickered out for 2 seconds and came back on.

Even after finding out he had been stabbed and I did not know for 3 1/2 hours his exact fate - I examined my heart, trying to reach within and see what I felt in there besides panic.

I did not feel his death.

How could this be ?

~ Another love myth debunked for me..

or another part of the debunking of the "soulmate " concept ?

..I try to keep my own counsel, but then sometimes I notice that I need a new counselor ! And so I throw my thoughts out here and wonder what responses I'll get. If people are experiencing some of these thoughts or if I'm just suffering from a flare-up of widderbrain and nonsensical thinking.


currently listening to Anita Baker- "I want to know what good love feels like" 1 What Do You Think ? I'm Interested To Know...

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