The current mood of at Two stats actually- Young widow & MVS - double whammy My Life Now

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The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I hate being part of a statistic, murder victim survivor.

Yesterday I got a VIN number from the department of justice .Short for" victim identification number". I can go online to a database and see info about Tom's case.

Since Tom died I just haven't watched the news real closely either , it's just too hard.

So much murder, before I use to just think about it for a few seconds and move on. Now it's a huge focus factor of my life.

The hardest question for me of late is "So what do you do?".

I never have an answer anymore. I am usually just dumbfounded for a few minutes . Struggling to make sense of what I am doing.

After I recover- then I have to think, let's see , we moved 5 times in 9 months-

Packing, unpacking, setting up and decorating houses , taking care of everyone ( cooking , shared cleaning duties) and mainly just recovering from this trauma.

Lately I am volunteering , taking art classes, trying to get my daughter's artwork out there ...but it's not much really.

I am at a crossroads . What to do with the next few years.

I don't have to work -but I want a focus for my life . I want to find my niche . Tom 's death left a huge personal and emotional void in my life.

Last night I went to a Widow get together in Houston.

It was so nice to connect to others who had lost their partner.In all this time I never met another widowed person.

The death of your partner is a great equalizer- no matter how they died , we all know the pain .

I felt so nervously alive last night.

I love meeting people, but that old question resurfaces- will they like me ?

Then I realized it's an extra burden to care. Just let me be me.

And we'll see how it goes from there.


Currently I am listening to " Adult Education" Hall & Oates 0 What Do You Think ? I'm Interested To Know...

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