The current mood of at Feeling gabby for sure My Life Now

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Today I Feel...

1)The coolness of fall weather in southeastern Texas.The lack of mosquitos , ah....

~one irritation ...the pool water is so cold, and the pool heater seems broken~oh, the exquisite the joys of homeownership ( or should I saythe moneypit).

2) The strong flavor of my German fresh ground coffee waking me up while enjoying the free time before the daughter & dog enter my sphere .

3) The misery of my ragweed allergies making their presence known:(

4)The bittersweet realization that in 28 days fortyness will be upon me, and I'll be celebrating it without him.

5)Suppressed mirth at my daughter's black dyed hair for halloween ( I keep wanting to belt out Cher songs to her !!)Gypsys,Tramps & Thieves...

6) Anguish and reservation for another murder victims survivor

pain over her daughter's brutal slaying , who I extended my heart & hand too and now I am afraid that her raw pain will open my slow-healing wounds again.

7) Last but never least : Love, loss and melancholy.Tom-Where are you ?You can come back now...I've learned my lesson.


Currently I am listening to "Seven Days " by Sting 0 What Do You Think ? I'm Interested To Know...

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