The current mood of at Goals My Life Now

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In The Next Few Years -

1) I will see the murderer prosecuted or the injustice of not seeing that happen.

2) My daughter and I will continue the healing process which has been unfolding for the past 14 months.

3) I will find my new niche in the world, whether it be writing, graphic design, cooking/baking , public speaking , or volunteering.

4) I will continue to remember the joy life can bring, not just the pain it can hold.

5)Enjoy my next partner-whenever , and whoever that man will be, he'll not be my daughter's father and I'll try not to hold him to impossible standards left by my sweetheart.

6)Continue the process of remembering my husband with less pain and more warmth , love and regard for his gift to our lives, .

7) I will continue to support our adult daughter to help mourn her father and blaze her own trail through this new life we were forced into.


Currently I am listening to "Know Nothin' "Bout Me " by Sting 0 What Do You Think ? I'm Interested To Know...

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