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Dusty Records

When I talk to my Mom about Tom she'll still break -down. I have figured out

a way to talk about his case facts and not lose it totally & so can my


Sometimes though we both look like deer in the headlights while doing it,

but it is possible for us.

We can both reminisce and not turn into blubbering messes. Those things all

took time.

I get sad mostly when I get small flashbacks throughout my days. Today I am

listening to a CD that Tom and I use to own as an 8track and we use to play

it during the 1st few months of our relationship. It's Peaches & Herb

"Reunited " album !

I heard a few songs that made me literally choke .

It brought back our relationship in a few notes. I was soo young and we

were soo in love. It's all so sad .

I remember the stereo, the apartment , just everything.

Our relationship was beyond that sweet point, it developed into something

deeper and so that's lost too.


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