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Be All That I Can Be -With No Paycheck...

Today I decided to volunteer at the art alliance center by NASA as a front desk assistant and they want some references ..

I thought for 4 hour shifts a few times a week and it's right by my Dad's office- it'll be good for me .

I love answering phones and dealing with people .

It just struck me that I could try this. If I don't like it - hey, then I don't have to do it after awhile.

Volunteering is fun, they mostly treat you well and yet you can use it as a job reference later if you so desire.

I so enjoyed my stints at the library and the Army Community Services Center at Kelley barracks back in 91 and then with Steff's high school German classes out at Calvert High .

I guess I am trying to get back into life again. Tom would say that without a paycheck- it ain't much , but I always begged to differ ...


Currently listening to "Shrek " soundtrack 0 What Do You Think ? I'm Interested To Know...

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