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Universal Love Reading

Hello April,

Thanks for your patience.

Before I write the replies to your questions, I must first tell you that this is much different than how I usually go about replying to emailed questions. When I sat down to write on your first question, there was a very strong Spirit presence (not that of my own spirit guides). As what they had to say seemed pertinent to you, the first response is from them directly and you may read it as such. The second question I addressed in a separate sitting.

1)Any messages I need to hear right now?

You are loved.

Those who have passed before you still love you and will continue to support and hear you for as long as you need them to and even beyond that. For it is easier to offer love unconditionally from where we are as opposed to those who remain there (on Earth), for we know no other love. The "wrongs" will be "righted." The doorway we pass through to get here allows us to see from a new perspective. We now understand the life we have come from and we know what you continue to experience, that which we could not understand from over there.

Count your blessings.

As this time has been one of reflection for you, know that what lies ahead for you will be even more full of splendor for the hardships you have endured in the past. Reminisce on the bounty and beauty of your life and hold no regret, for tomorrow is born of your yesterdays.

Terry loves you.( Don't know who that is...)

2)Am I on the right path currently?

I don't really like to use the word "right" here because it is so subjective. You know? For me to answer it would almost be making a judgment, so let me respond in this way....

We all make choices for better or worse, more or less difficult, simple or obstacle are still moving forward and growing as you intended to when you came here.

Two things come up that I can assure you of. First, any time you are opening your mind spiritually and tapping in to your Higher Self, you are doing well - acting in your best interest really. This you have figured out and will continue to work at. Without putting pressure on yourself, let me repeat that part - without putting pressure on yourself - (because you need to hear that and honestly follow through there) to be the "best, smartest, strongest, fastest," you will have more happiness and feel more sense of achievement in what you do, not less, as most people believe and stress out about.

Second, any time someone spends time with, works with, or teaches children, and you can see she is doing this because she is enabled to pass joy and love from her heart through what she is doing, this too, is doing well. Too few people ever do what they love. If you don't love it you can't put love into it. And this is what I see: you, sitting in a chair, a circle of young children around you, reading a picture book to them. They are eating up your every word; every dramatic facial expression. Thus is passed the joy and love. How much more perfect can a path be?

~Love Light Peace~ Heather Oelschlager


Currently I am listening to my Steff typing on something... 0 What Do You Think ? I'm Interested To Know...

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