The current mood of at My Spirit Rages On My Life Now

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Standing on a Soapbox this Saturday

My Letter to Griefnet Members :

These losses we have all endured are like chasms in our souls.

In order to survive spiritually, physically and mentally we must realize that to continue on , we need to heal, but there will always be a scar.

That person was an integral part of our own existence and now through means we do not understand and could not control no longer exists.

That void in our psyche, a realization of our innate humanness , no real

control over our reality

and no known comfort zones .

So many unanswered questions-what the hell am I doing on this earth with

this kind of pain ? What did I do to deserve this ?What did they do to

deserve this ?

Shaking our moral foundations, trying our spirit and then the grief monster

threatening to eat us alive.

At some point you make the decision to reluctantly move on in your own

life with the whispers of yesterday always in the corners of your mind.

What could have beens, what should have beens and what ifs.

Sink or swim , survive or wither away , realizing how precious your life is

and continue to march on battle scarred but still standing.


Currently Listenening to: Grandia 2 - a playstation game played by my Steff 0 What Do You Think ? I'm Interested To Know...

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