The current mood of at My Life Now

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A Passage to London for a Milestone Birthday
April 29. 2003,

Hanan is really pepping up my wardrobe with her alterations . I have so many usable & nice pieces now.

I am such a well-dressed widow ....

Got to have something to enjoy these days .

Decorating, on-line shopping or searching , reading, meal prep , watching tv ....that's it.

I have cooked some stunning meals lately . I have even surprised myself. I have made sauces that could be served at a 3 star restaurant. Jeez , I hate cleaning up afterward though.

I am thinking of going on the QE2 for my 40th, Steff's 21st and My Dad's 61st this October. Then flying on to Germany. It be a 2 1/2 week to 3 week trip . It would such an adventure and I so need excitement.

I have been so sad for so long.

4:41 p.m.

PS May 20- after some soul searching - we will go to England and Germany but not on the QE2 0 What Do You Think ? I'm Interested To Know...

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